#83 –Raising kids with information overload

2 years ago

Well Joe's sick. Sorry he sounds like garbage. Jared and Joe talk about their Easter weekends. They talk about some new shows Joe and Kayla have been watching. They also dive into conversation about parenting with literally every bit of information or opinion available to you.

You can find us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @Bigdadenergypod and email us at [email protected]

Thanks to Planet Ant Media for having us on their network! @planetantpodcasts @planetantdet @PlanetAntDigital

Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/big-dad-energy/id1528659729

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/18eyzjgEGYcpc3gFyVzbX3?si=Ixbd_Fb5TbO3qFD2tfW5nw&utm_source=copy-link