#88 –Rolling over and ripping ass
2 years ago
Jared and Joe did it. They forgot to hit record....But then they did. They chat about their long weekends, their lawns, and do an overall check in about the kids. What they're into, what they've been learning, some weird things they've done recently. You know, just parent small talk.
You can find us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @Bigdadenergypod and email us at [email protected]
Thanks to Planet Ant Media for having us on their network! @planetantpodcasts @planetantdet @PlanetAntDigital
Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/big-dad-energy/id1528659729
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/18eyzjgEGYcpc3gFyVzbX3?si=Ixbd_Fb5TbO3qFD2tfW5nw&utm_source=copy-link